
You can make an appointment by visiting our Consulting Room.

Appointments are for one patient and are booked for 10 minutes. Double appointments are allotted for certain procedures and medical examinations.

Telephone appointments are available each day.

A responsible adult should accompany children under the age of 13 years.

Missed Appointments

Appointment time is precious. If you do not intend keeping an appointment, we would ask you to let us know as soon as possible. This is a common courtesy and also enables another patient to use the time. You are able to cancel appointments via text or using the online services facility.

Urgent Medical Problems

Urgent medical problems will be dealt with on the same day—the doctor/nurse may speak to you on the telephone first.

Enhanced Access Clinics

The five GP surgeries – Chipping Campden Surgery, Cotswold Medical Practice, Stow Surgery, Whitehouse Surgery and Mann Cottage Surgery – offer a variety of different appointments before 8am and after 6.30pm as part of an Enhanced Access to NHS appointments service. 

For more information please see the below poster: